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the passive – the active

The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action. The passive voice is formed by using the verb “to be” in the past participle form and the past participle of the main verb.
The passive voice is often used to focus on the action itself, rather than on the person who is doing the action. For example, the sentence “The ball was thrown by the boy” focuses on the action of throwing the ball, rather than on the boy who is throwing the ball.
The passive voice can also be used to make a sentence sound more formal or impersonal. For example, the sentence “The report was written by the committee” sounds more formal than the sentence “The committee wrote the report”.
The passive voice can be used in a variety of situations. It can be used to describe events that are not known or that are not important. It can also be used to make a sentence sound more polite or less direct.
The passive voice is not always the best choice. It can sometimes make a sentence sound awkward or unnatural. It is also important to note that the passive voice can sometimes be difficult to understand.

The active voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence is the agent of the action. The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence is the recipient of the action.
The active voice is often considered to be more direct and forceful than the passive voice. For example, the sentence “The boy threw the ball” is in the active voice, while the sentence “The ball was thrown by the boy” is in the passive voice.
The active voice is often used when the agent of the action is important. For example, the sentence “The police arrested the suspect” is in the active voice, because the agent of the action is the police.
The passive voice is often used when the agent of the action is not important. For example, the sentence “The car was stolen” is in the passive voice, because the agent of the action is not important.
The active voice is often considered to be more direct and forceful than the passive voice. However, the passive voice can sometimes be used to create a more formal or impersonal tone.